Category Archives: Amateur-Expert Travellers

Niche Travel Rules!

Chris Anderson demonstrates in his book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, that the future of business is in selling more of low-volume products.  What consumers really want is choice – and as long as a wide range of products continue to make a small profit for their […]

An interview with Sandra Gonzalez, an Amateur-Expert Traveller

Sandra is a Mexican PhD student based in London who regularly visits friends and relatives in her native Mexico. Sandra travels a lot but her passion is for eco-travel. In this interview Sandra discusses eco-travel and user generated content.

Broadening your horizons with Virtual Reality?

Our guest blogger of the day is Professor David Howard. David holds a Personal Chair in the Department of Electronics at the University of York in the United Kingdom where he teaches and researches in music technology. His main research areas are the analysis, synthesis and perception of singing, speech and music and other audio […]

An interview with Alex Kendall, Amateur-Expert Traveller

Amateur-Expert Traveller Alex Kendall is a technology savvy, 22 year old post-production assistant based in London. He’s a regular traveller and in this interview he discusses his use of Facebook to collaborate with friends and make group travel plans & bookings. Alex is a member of a band which means he regularly travels around Europe […]

Affinity Shopper wins the PhoCusWright Travel Innovation Award at the 2009 Summit!

Yesterday we were very excited about making it to the final of the Travel Innovation Summit Award. And today we can announce that – we won! Denis Lacroix, our VP of Sales & e-Commerce Platforms, was among the thirty three candidates invited to perform onstage demonstrations, aiming for highest scores among audience votes. And he […]

Extreme Search: humanising the technology

“Where can I go and what can I do, for the money I want to spend?” This is an easy question for a traveller to ask, but extremely difficult for a computer to answer. If you’ve ever found the perfect hotel online, with the perfect flight, only to stumble at the perfect dates, you’ll know […]

The top five tips for getting the most out of travel online

Travel can be daunting. There’s so much you need to take into account, from the hard facts and figures of your itinerary to the feelings and opinions of people who have already been there and done that. So we have asked Steven Domanski, one of the Amateur-Expert Travellers we identified during our research project, to […]

Welcome to the Amateur-Expert Traveller blog!

Welcome to the Amateur-Expert Traveller blog, run by Amadeus. Over the next few days we’ll be looking at major trends we see emerging in the world of travel and technology, and making some important announcements along the way. Are you an Amateur-Expert traveller? Patients can sometimes rival their doctors for specialist knowledge, and we see […]